
Correction factor Barlow/Reducer
Seeing values FWHM
Focal length Guidescope

Binning Camera - Binning Guidecam

Focal length mm
Apparent field of view in degrees
Field apperture in mm

Vignetting calculation formula
Blend Simulation Graphics J/N


Focal length / Aperture Telescope
Aperture ratio without corrector

Main camera pixels x/y - Pixelsize x/y

Mag factor - FoV arcmins
Exit pupil

Default filter distance with DSLR
Diameter of filter or bottleneck

Effective focal length Telescope
Aperture ratio with corrector

Main camera pixel values with binning

Min. useful magnification
Max. useful magnification

Illumination of the corners in %
FoV & Illumination Preview

Useful focal length - Aperture ratio - Barlow
for planetary imaging

Target image scale range for act. seeing
Sampling for actual setup

min. useful wide-angle EP
max. useful tele-EP

Max. distance of bottleneck to
avoid vignetting on image

Telescope aperture in inch
Resolution of Telescope in arcsecs

Guide camera pixels x/y - Pixelsize x/y

Gallery Image loaded
Image Crop Factor

Limiting magnitude of Telescope
Max imaging time without tracking

Guide camera pixel values with binning

Org - Sim Cam Rotation

Opt. focal length of Guidescope
Max. focal length of Telescope

Mega-Pixel Maincam - Guidecam
Subpixel correction value

Org - Sim Field Orientation
C F M (Cam Field Man Rotation Method)

FoV Width / Height Arcmins

Chip Width  Height  Diagonal mm

Implications of under-/over-sampling:

undersampling reduces the influence of guiding errors and improves signal to noise at the expense of finest detail

oversampling will require a good mount and careful guiding. OK for high magnification solar, lunar or planetary imaging. Might cause signal to noise issues with wide-field imaging

It is important to find a good balance between over- and undersampling. Namely so, that the camera still works as sensitive as possible, but the images are good shaded. The following figure illustrates graphically this relationship.


On the left the undersampling shows almost only square stars. On the right oversampling shows many shades of gray, but the light of the stars is smeared over many pixels.

Center of the picture is an example of good sampling. For deep sky imaging, the rule of thumb for the image scale is to achieve a value of about 1.5 arcsecs to 2 arcsecs per pixel. In this rule of thumb, the normal local seeing should be included. The seeing value is simply divided by 2.67 (low) or 2 (high) if you have local seeing on average of 4 arcseconds.

Rotation value for Simulation Camera

C = Same value as Original Camera
F = Same value as Original Field Orientation
M = Manual value

1 = FWHM 0-1 Dream
2 = FWHM 1-2 Perfect
3 = FWHM 2-3 Very good
4 = FWHM 3-4 Good
5 = FWHM 4-5 Average
6 = FWHM 5-6 Average
7 = FWHM 6-7 Moderate
8 = FWHM 7-8 Bad
9 = FWHM 8-9 Very bad
10 = FWHM 9-10 Unusable